
Posts Tagged ‘collage play with crowabout week 2’

If you want to get ahead…, originally uploaded by SuzeArt.

….get a Hat! Or an upside-down cereal dish, if you like! 😉

Week Two of Nance’s Collage Challenge already! I’m really enjoying myself having a go at this ~ it’s reminding me how happy I can be when I just let myself get absorbed in doing something for Fun 🙂

Fun is what’s been missing from my life for the best part of this year so far. I can’t believe how much I needed this challenge to wake me up again, and am so glad that Nance came up with this group idea and put in all the hard work to make it happen… Bless you, darlin’! xXx

I’ve been spending far too much time at The Orchard during the summer months – it’s easier for me to keep up with my work, but I do miss my boy & have an awful lot of sorting out still to do back at home. It’s a real dilemma – spend time at home & be alone with lots of hard work to do, or spend time in the beautiful surroundings of The Orchard, where there’s a huge amount of sky to be seen from every window, beautiful views in all directions, clean, fresh air; where a hammock waits for me to relax in it between rain showers (I’ve had the hammock for many years and this is the first time we’ve had somewhere to hang it), where my dog is happiest, where my significant other of the last 6 years lives….

What’s a girl to do? Cut pictures out and make Art with them, that’s what! 😉

Hope you’re all enjoying yourselves, whatever you’re doing…

Love to All xXx

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